Along came a cider: 9 1/2 hours touring the makers of an increasingly popular beverage

October 10, 2022
Karen Nitkin
Baltimore Fishbowl
Ok, so, here’s what we want you to imagine:
You’re at Two Story Chimney Ciderworks, in Gaithersburg. It’s a beautiful fall day, and you’re sitting at a table in the sun with one or more of your favorite humans. Around you are other equally contented people, some with babies, some with dogs, many with snacks they brought with them or purchased at the “Cluck Truck” parked nearby.
Your view is blue sky and green grass. A few little kids race each other through a pumpkin patch. Everyone is wearing their cutest fall flannels and sweaters.
ln front of you sits four glasses, nestled in a cute wooden tray. The liquid inside, all shades of honey-gold, are different ciders, all made with nearby apples.
You sip the one called Over the Falls, which was aged in a red wine barrel. Flavors of oak and the wine linger. Like the other ciders, it’s crisp and a little tart, far less sweet than the big-name stuff you buy at the liquor store. You sample the others in your $12 flight – Proper Dry, Sweet Tart and Ruby Red – or seasonal ciders flavored with blackberry or pumpkin, and find subtleties in each.
Sounds nice, right?
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